Recently,Mr. Andrei, the head of Beijing Representative Office of United CompanyRUSAL Plc (UC RUSAL), visited the bulk material department of GENMA(GBD), JiangsuRainbow Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, in order to understand GENMA products andoperation of relevant equipment, and to discuss the partnership between twoparties with GENMA marketing department.
After listening to introduction of the development history of GENMA inrecent years and GENMA products series in details. Mr. Andrei recognizedGENMA’s product technology and strength, and also focused in learning aboutGENMA ship loader and unloader equipment, he had shown great interest in thefunctions and technology of the GENMA pneumatic ship unloader.During the meeting, Mr. Andrei expressed his approval regarding thistrip, “We have already learned about GENMA and established contact with GENMAbefore this visit, GENMA had always leaves a very professional impression, I ameven more certain of that after this visit.”
UC RUSAL is one of the world’s largest aluminum producers and also oneof the major alumina producers, its operation covers 5 continents and 19countries, with an annual production capacity of 4.5 million tons ofelectrolytic aluminium, 1150 million tons of alumina and 80,000 tons ofaluminum foil, which has a huge demand for material handling equipment. GENMAis very well experienced and employs great material handling industry. There isgreat potential for future partnership between UC RUSAL and GENMA, and we arelooking forward to establish long-lasting partnership with each other.
United CompanyRUSAL is the world's second largestaluminium company by primary production output. The United Company was formedby the merger of RUSAL, SUAL, and the alumina assets of Glencore, completed inMarch 2007. According to its own statistics, UC Rusal accounts for 6.2% of theworld's primary aluminium output and 6.5% of the world's alumina production,while operating assets in 13 countries over five continents, employing over61,000 people across its international operations and offices.